Page 161 - Pure Life 35
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            160  /   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(35), Summer. 2023
               Man is not only an eye, but            like  such  a  human  being.  A
            also  an  ear,  a hand, a  foot,  a       balanced  person  develops  all
            heart,  and  a  brain.  Each  of          his  organs  and  all  his  mental
            these  has  different  interests          powers in a balanced way.
            and a person should become a                 Correct  Islamic  education

            true  muslim  in  everything.             is  the  balanced  education  of
            One  should  see  the  divine             all  talents.  Emphasizing  on  a
            manifestation everywhere.                 special  talent  and  forgetting

               What  is  desirable  is  the           other     things    is    actually
            balance  of  actions,  powers,            denying      some     of    God's
            behaviors and noble attributes.           innumerable  blessings;  The

            If  a  person  only  focuses  on          blessings     that    God      has
            one  dimension,  he  will  not            prepared for man.
            reach  the  main  goal  of                    If we want these talents to

            creation; However, he achieves            be flourish in a balanced way,
            some  results.  As  if,  such  an         we must follow all the orders
            incomplete goal remains for a             of  Sharia.  A  large  part  of
            person       who       has      an        these  commands,  if  not  say

            unbalanced  body  due  to                 the  majority,  are  related  to
            disorders  in  his  brain  and            social life.
            nerves.  That  is,  his  hand  or            A     person     like    Imam

            head or foot is too big or too            Khomeini,  who  enters  the
            small.  A  human  being  who              social field, passes everything.
            develops  in  one  dimension              He  sacrifices  his  life,  his

            and      forgets     the     other        homeland, his child, his honor
            dimensions, will become helpless          and his status to reach divine
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