Page 162 - Pure Life 35
P. 162

Comparative Analysis of the… S.S.H. Abedi & M.R. Mousavinasab (161

            perfection. He sacrifices everything      interpreting and extracting the
            to  God.  Now,  is  this  work            laws  and  knowledge  to  the

            more difficult or do you sit in           Prophet and if this verse was
            a corner? It is a difficult task          not referring to the position of
            for a man to turn a blind eye             the interpretation of the Quran

            to  the  death  of  his  child  and       and  the  detailed  explanation
            say  that  it  was  from  God's           of  the  rulings  and  Islamic
            hidden  grace.  (Misbah  Yazdi,           knowledge,  and  only  to  the

            2012)                                     recitation  and  mentioning  the
                                                      words of the Quran, it was not
            8.  The  Role  of  the  Teacher           necessary  for  God  to  say

            in Religious Education                    “Let's explain to people”; But
            The  details  of  the  laws  and          it was enough for him to say
            teachings are not given in the            “Let's read to them”. (Misbah
            Quran, this duty was given to             Yazdi, 2016: 16)

            the prophet, to explain them.
               The Quran emphasizes:                  9. Teache’s Role in Education
               “… And we sent down this               The Holy Quran say:

               Quran to you to explain to                “The gaze of man is on his
               people  what  has  been                   food”. (Quran, 80: 24)
               revealed  to  them  ;Maybe

               they  will  think”.  (Quran,              Of  course,  the  appearance
               16: 44)                                of this verse, according to the
                                                      analogy  of  the  verses  before
               This  verse  states  that  God         and  after  it,  is  related  to  the

            has  sent  the  Quran  and                material food and the food of
            assigned the task of explaining,          the body; because it is talking
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