Page 42 - Pure Life 35
P. 42

The Realm of Freedom… A. Mirzaei and S.H. Abedian (41

            promoting false thoughts and              should be stopped, such as the
            beliefs  is  definitely  outside          issue  of  not  wearing  a  hijab,

            the  scope  of  freedom  of               which is raised under the title
            speech.      (Foundation        for       of  women's  rights  and  is
            Publishing        Works        and        promoted in Islamic societies.

            Thoughts of Martyr Beheshti,
            2007: 18)                                 3. Civil Liberties
               Therefore, from the viewpoint          Man  must  have  freedom  in

            of  the  school  of  Infallible           the stage of performance and
            imams,  the  truth  of  what  is          implementation          of     the
            promoted  in  the  center  of             expressed  thought  so  that  he

            freedom  of  expression  is  the          can show the fruits and results
                                                      of the thought and belief that
            most  important  indicator  and
            limiter of freedom of expression.         he     preached      to    others.

               Accordingly, the school of             (Motahari, 1982: 11)
            Infallible  imams  has  ordered              The      conflict     between
            its  believers  to  protect  their        interests, desires and values in
            freedom  and  fight  for  it              civil freedom is far more than

            wherever  their  freedom  is              when it comes to freedom of
            unjustly  taken  away;  Just  as          speech,  because  freedom  of
            he considered the publication             speech usually does not cause

            of  false  books  as  illegal,  he        conflict  until  it  becomes  a
            made  the  Islamic  ruler  and            behavior.  The  conflict  is
            Muslims  obliged  to  fight               usually  within  the  scope  of

            against the propagation of falsehood.     social  freedom  and  at  the
                                                      stage of behavior.
               Wherever falsehood is falsely
            propagated and established, it
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