Page 41 - Pure Life 35
P. 41
40 / International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(35), Summer. 2023
He writes: 2. Freedom of Expression
La' Ikrahah fi al-Din. Since expression is the
(Misbah Yazdi, 2013: 53-54) expression of opinion and
thought, therefore freedom of
Therefore, there is no place expression is placed after
for reluctance and punishment freedom of thought. (Sobhani,
where there is a limit of belief 2005: 94)
and thought. Where laws and Freedom of expression is a
punishments influence, it is tool to show divine and
not opinion and thought; But human thoughts and beliefs,
the expression of thought is and it is a way to propagate
behavior derived from thought; truth and falsehood, just as it
Therefore, it will be about can guide mankind towards
freedom of speech and correct happiness, it can lead humans
and logical action, not about to deviation and degradation;
freedom of thought and Therefore, in divine religions,
opinion. especially in the school of
In other words, man has Infallible imams, the truth of
absolute freedom in the circle what is offered to people in
of his thoughts and beliefs, the name of freedom of
nothing that can limit his speech is very important.
freedom is his own If we do not say that the
knowledge and mentality; But expression of false thoughts
here we are not talking about and beliefs is outside the
rights, while in the discussion scope of freedom of speech
of freedom, we are actually from the viewpoint of the
talking about human rights Is.
Infallible imams school,