Page 100 - Pure Life 36
P. 100

A Logical Analysis of Mental Health… M. Najafi & H. Vakili (99

            - Turning Points                          fact  that  there  is  not  any
            Fuzzy thinking can propose a              certain  point;  Because  the

            good explanation for events in            changes are gradual processes.
            which  properties  or  types                 David gradually sleeps and
            change. For instance, consider            the    caterpillar    does     not

            David.  He  sometimes  is                 become  a  butterfly  suddenly.
            awake.  He  can  speak,  hear,            If  we  consider  the  caterpillar
            see, and interact with people.            and  butterfly  as  sides  of  a

               It  is  again  clear  that  he         process,  we  can  see  the
            sometimes  sleeps  and  cannot            animal  as  an  integration  of
            do  such  activities  as  he  was         both sides in each moment.

            awake;  But,  is  there  any                 For  example,  at  first,  we
            certain  point  distinguishing            face a caterpillar. A few days
            sleep and wake?                           later,  the  animal  will  have

               Consider  a  caterpillar  that         gone  away  from  its  origin
            becomes a beautiful butterfly.            (caterpillar)  and  approached
            Is  there  any  turning  point  in        its destination. By the end of
            which  the  animal  suddenly              the  process,  we  will  face  a

            converts  to  another  type?  No          complete butterfly.
            one     can     determine       the          During  the  process,  the
            requested points.                         animal  has  the  properties  of

               It should be considered that           both  sides.  The  more  it
            it  is  not  because  of  our             approaches  the  destination,
            ignorance      of     the    exact        the    more      it   loses    the

            moment in which David falls               caterpillar’s  properties  and
            asleep  or  the  caterpillar              achieves the butterfly’s.
            becomes  a  butterfly  but  the
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