Page 98 - Pure Life 36
P. 98

A Logical Analysis of Mental Health… M. Najafi & H. Vakili (97

            which changed our interpretation          separated.      However,       the
            of  health,  can  provide  a  new         actual      world       has       a

            approach to happiness.                    combination  of  both  sides.
               Fuzzy  speaking,  it  is  not          Fuzzy  thinking  makes  an
            possible to divide people into            effort  to  reform  the  common

            two groups, namely, happy and             viewpoints       regarding     the
            unhappy.  The  contradictions             contradictory  sides.  It  puts
            such as health-illness, happiness-        forward an innovative analysis

            unhappiness, and meaningful-              that  changes  the  traditional
            meaningless life are only two             approach  to  events,  relations,
            sides  of  a  broad  spectrum  in         properties,  ethics,  psychology,

            which  a  great  deal  of  grades         and life.
            of membership exist.                         The normal function of one’s
               The  more  mental  states              mind  and  lack  of  irritating

            match health norms, the more              modes  are  two  significant
            a human has a happy life; But             factors  by  which  we  can
            it  should  be  taken  into               assess one’s mental health.
            account that there is no sharp               Consequently, the grades of

            distinction between two sides             normality and irritating mode,
            of  contradictions.  Therefore,           determine  the  quality  of  the
            everyone      possesses      some         pure  life.  One  cannot  live  a

            grade of health and happiness,            happy  life  and  use  the  all
            in  addition  to  some  grade  of         faculties  of  his  soul  unless
            illness and unhappiness.                  one acquires inner peace. The

               In  the  mental  world,  the           talk  of  the  grades  of  inner
            two       sides      of      these        peace and happy life are possible
            contradictions  are  completely           unless is fuzzy logic applied.
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