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            96  /   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE, 10(36), Autumn. 2023

            6. Mental Illness and Health              partially  clarify  what  we
            Considering  what  we  stated             intend by mental illness. As a
            about health, normality, mind,            result, mental health is A state
            and     mental     modes,      our        in  which  our  mind  possesses
            definition  of  mental  illness           normal  function  and  is  not

            becomes  clear.  We  consider             affected by an irritating mode.
            health as a state in which the               In the second part, we first
            mind acts normally. Normality             put  forward  the  definition  of

            is a regular circumstance that            health. Then, the definition of
            common sense sees as usual.               mental health was analyzed by
               Another criterion of illness           three concepts, namely normality,

            is  some  particular  irritating          common sense, and introspection.
            mental  modes  such  as  fear,               Finally,  we  concluded  that
            anxiety, stress, and so forth.            the  normal  function  of  our

               In addition, we argued that            immaterial mind is considered
            the mind is not identical to the          mental health.
            brain.  It  is  an  immaterial               In  the  following,  fuzzy
            entity  that  interacts  with             thinking  will  be  introduced.

            corporal properties. Therefore,           Although fuzzy thinking does
            mental  illness  is  A  state  in         not  change  the  accepted
            which our mind lacks normal               definition,  it  gives  rise  to  a

            function  or  is  affected  by  an        new interpretation of health.
            irritating mode.
               Although  this  definition             7. Pure life

            may      only      cover     some         Since     mental      health     is
            instances  of  mental  illness            considered a noticeable element
            and  exclude  others,  it  could          of happiness, the fuzzy approach
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