Page 96 - Pure Life 36
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A Logical Analysis of Mental Health… M. Najafi & H. Vakili (95

            abnormality. We will amplify              others  but  this  report  is  an
            this idea in the last part.               indirect conception.

                                                         Similarly,  psychotherapists
            5. Introspection                          can diagnose mental illnesses
             Another  characteristic  that            according  to  some  symptoms

            could  help  us  to  identify  the        that exist in the behaviors and
            abnormality  is  introspection.           words of a patient. Nevertheless,
            The  control  over  behaviors,            only the ill man could directly
            self-confidence,               and        feel fears, anxiety, depression,

            satisfaction  are  inner  senses          and so forth.
            that  are  not  determinable  by             It  should  be  asserted  that

            objective criteria. This is only          mental  illnesses  only  be
            an  anxious  one  who  can                determined  by  introspection
            conceive of the anxiety.                  while  objective  criteria  are
               No  one  could  detect  the            nothing;  But  the  signs  of

            fear  of  a  fearful  man  except         disorders occurring in the mind.
            himself.     Fears,     anxieties,           The       mental       disorder
            satisfaction,       and      other        accounts       for      abnormal

            feelings  are  subjective.  They          behavior  and  words.  Outer
            are  private  and  no  one  could         factors  lead  us  to  realize
            directly  conceive  them  save            mental  problems.  Therefore,

            their  subjects.  We  emphasize           the  mental  problem  should
            directness      because      one’s        not  be  considered  identical
            feelings  could  be  indirectly           with          such          signs.

            conceived  by  others.  One               Consequently, mental illnesses
            could express their feelings to
                                                      are to be defined as abnormal
                                                      states of mind.
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