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            98  /   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE, 10(36), Autumn. 2023

            7. Fuzzy Thinking                         such  simple  contradiction
            Fuzzy  thinking  is  a  kind  of          cannot  always  propose  a
            approach  that  sees  the  world          plausible  account  of  what  is
            and     its    events     as    an        happening.  The  real  world  is
            integration  of  contradictions.          not white and black.

            According  to  Aristotelian                  The majority of the state of
            logic,  a  subject,  like  “A”            affairs  belongs  to  gray  areas
            accepts  a  predicate  like  “B”          in  which  objects  are  both

            or  its  inverse,  namely  not            white  and  black  or  in  logical
            “B”. There is no other option.            terminology, in some particular
               Therefore,  there  are  two            sense, subjects could simultaneously

            propositions: “A is B” and “A             accept     both     contradictory
            is  not  B”.  In  the  Aristotelian       predicates.
            viewpoint,  we  must  merely                 The  mind  simplifies  the

            verify      one       of     these        properties,       events,      and
            propositions  and  reject  the            predicates  by  analyzing  and
            other  one.  So,  “A”  is  either         dividing  them  into  some
            “B”  or  not  “B”.  It  is  not           yes/no  questions.  However,

            possible  to  confirm  that  “A”          the     external     world      by
            is both “B” and not “B”.                  external,  we  mean  something
               At  first  glance,  it  seems          that  does  not  depend  on  the

            that  everything  just  falls             human  mind.  integrates  the
            under  the  one  side  of                 opposite  situation.  We  think
            contradictory      options     but        that  fuzzy  thinking  manifests

            concentration  on  predicates             its strengths in turning points
            reveals  the  fact  that  the  real       and gradation of properties.
            world  is  so  complicated  that
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