Page 112 - Pure Life 36
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International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE, 10(36), Serial Number. 4, Autumn. 2023, 111-138

            Pleasure  from  the  Perspective  of  Jeremy  Bentham  and  its
            Critique with an Emphasis on the Verses of the Holy Qur’an

            Dr. Ali Ghanbarian , Prof. Ali Asgari Yazdi    2

                1.* Post-Doc  Researcher  in  Department  of  Theoretical  Foundations  of  Islam,  Faculty  of

                Islamic Sciences and Thought, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran (Corresponding Author)

                2. Prof. in Departmen of Theoretical Foundations of Islam, Faculty of Islamic Sciences and Thought,
                University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran,

           ARTICL INFO           ABSTRACT
           Article History:         SU  BJECT  &  OBJECTIVES:  Pleasure motivates humans in pleasant  and
           Received: 27 August 2023   unpleasant  behaviors.  Numerous  ethical  schools  have  discussed
           Revised: 09 October 2023   pleasure.  Some  schools  have  embraced  hedonism.  One  of  these
           Accepted: 23 November 2023   schools is utilitarianism. In the Holy Qur’an, many verses about
                                    pleasure are mentioned. These verses are discussed in the form of
           Key Words:
                                    resurrection, social reform, food and clothing, etc. Since Jeremy
                                    Bentham's  principles  of  hedonism  have  had  a  great  impact  on
                                    philosophers, thinkers, social laws, and the culture and lifestyle of
           Pleasure                 people, the present article is an explanation of pleasure from Jeremy
                                    Bentham's viewpoint and compares it with verses of the Qur’an.
                                    METHOD  &  FINDING:  The  library  data  collection  and  information
           Utilitarianism           processing method is descriptive-analytical critical. A finding of
                                    this article is to explain the similarities and differences of Jeremy
           Jeremy Bentham           Bentham's view compared to the verses of the Holy Qur’an.

           DOI:                     CONCLUSION:  After  the  studies,  we  concluded  that  in  both
           10.22034/imjpl.2023.16199.1102  perspective  hedonism  and  its  excitatory  aspect  in  humans  with
                                    psychological hedonism, there are also points of disagreement:
           DOR:                     In the verses of the Qur’an, unlike Bentham, the pleasures of the
           20.1001.1.26767619.2023.   hereafter and its preference over the pleasures of this world have
                                    been emphasized and the other that in the Qur’an, hedonism is not

                                    accepted  in  an  absolute.  Also,  some  of  the  blessings  of  the
                                    hereafter are mentioned in the Qur’an.

           * Corresponding Author:
           Email:    Article Address Published on the Journal Site:
           ORCID: 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 1 - 7 0 5 0 - 8 4 9 X

                 NUMBER OF                  NUMBER OF                NATIONALITY OF
                REFERENCES                   AUTHORS                     AUTHOR
                     16                          2                         (Iran)
   107   108   109   110   111   112   113   114   115   116   117