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            116   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE, 10(36), Autumn. 2023
               In  general,  the  key  word           fanatical       follower        of
            ornament  and  its  derivatives           Bentham;  But  in  some  ways,
            have  been  used  in  43  verses          separated  from  Bentham.  For
            of  the  Qur’an.  (Ref:  Qur’an,          example,       Mill      included
            18: 7)                                    quality  in  the  gauge  of

               In  this  article,  several            pleasure  in  addition  to  the
            important references were used:           element of quantity.

               Bentham        (2017),     “An

            Introduction to the Principles               Misbah       Yazdi      (2008),
            of Morals and Legislation”; It            “Review of Ethical Schools”;
            is  one  of  the  most  important         The  book  examines  and

            and      famous      works      on        critiques     important     moral
            utilitarianism contains Bentham's
            most  important  utilitarian              utilitarianism.

            propositions  and  includes  his             Palmer  (1995),  “Moral
            theory of punishment.                     Problems”;  Very  important
                                                      precepts  about  hedonism  are
               Mill (2010), “Utilitarianism”;

            The  book  is  the  work  of              discussed  in  books  of  moral
            Jeremy       Bentham's        most        philosophy,  such  as  this  one;
            important and famous student,             such as: The right to life and

            John Stuart Mill. In this book,           abortion, The right to life and
            the  foundations  of  Jeremy              kill/ Easy and peaceful death/
            Bentham's       hedonism        are       Murder of mercy, The right to

            explained and interpreted and             life  and  rights  of  animals,
            the problems of hedonism are              Punishment and execution.
            answered.  Mill  was  not  a
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