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            114   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE, 10(36), Autumn. 2023

            the  cause  of  arrest,  the  poor,       examples  in  the  form  of
            while some morality is related            paradise, hell, boundaries, and
            to  others,  actions  that  bring         punishments to encourage people
            pleasure and happiness to others.         in society to worship God.
               Bentham,  therefore,  takes               The  two  key  phrases  that

            pleasure  out  of  the  sphere  of        explicitly  and implicitly  refer
            the  individual  and  extends  it         to  the  pleasure  and  internal
            to  societies  as  well,  for             attraction  of  humans  in  the

            Bentham        sees     a    close        Qur’an are pleasure and love,
            relationship between the individual       and their derivatives.
            and the community, and both                  In  general,  the  key  word

            affect each other. The happier            pleasure is mentioned in three
            the society is and the happier            verses  of  the  Qur’an,  all  of
            it feels, the more members of             which  describe  the  blessings

            the community will share.                 of paradise:
               One  of  the  fundamental                 -  “There  shall  be  sent
            beliefs of celestial religions is            round to them golden bowls
            the  afterlife  and  the  world              and  drinking  cups  and

            beyond death, which has been                 therein  shall  be  what  their
            established  based  on  the                  souls  yearn  after  and
            principles of pleasure and pain.             (wherein)  the  eyes  shall

               The Holy Qur’an also pays                 delight, and you shall abide
            attention  to  pleasure,  its                therein”. (Qur’an, 43: 71)
            motivation  strategy,  and  its

            examples. Also, prophets and                 - “A parable of the garden
            infallible  Imams  always  used              which      those     guarding
            pleasure  and  pain  and  their              (against evil) are promised:
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