Page 114 - Pure Life 36
P. 114

Pleasure from the Perspective of… A. Ghanbarian  &  A. Asgari Yazdi (113

               Utilitarianism is a subset of          as Epicurus and Aristtipus, he
            pleasure-oriented  schools  and           used      the    findings      and

            the  most       important  and            achievements       of    previous
            influential of them.                      schools  and  established  a
               Given  the  importance  of             system  of  hedonism  that  is

            Jeremy  Bentham's  theories in            more  developed  than  the
            interpreting  pleasure,  in  this         previous schools.
            article,  we  analyze,  confirm,             In addition to personal and

            or criticize it in three sections         individual  pleasures,  he  also
            from  the  perspective  of                focuses on the expansion and
            Qur’anic  verses:  Explanation            increase     of    pleasure      in

            of  pleasure,  Foundations  of            society.
            compatibility and incompatibility            The  advantage  of  Jeremy
            between Bentham's Utilitarianism          Bentham's  hedonism  over

            and  Qur’anic  Verses  about              former  hedonists  is  that  it  is
            Crime;                                    not  only  concerned  with  the
               Therefore,  the  article  is           individual      dimension       of
            intended to answer the question:          individuals; But also to society

            Is Jeremy Bentham's Hedonism              and laws, and at the top of it,
            Basics  Endorsed  by  Qur’anic            governments and legislatures.
            Verses?                                      In  the  Epicurean  school,

                                                      selfishness and self-orientation
            Theoretical Foundations and               are  centered  on  morality  and
            Research Background                       morality is limited to personal

            Jeremy  Bentham  can  be                  pleasure  that  is  not  followed
            considered  a  hedonist.  Since           by  pain;  But  social  and
            Bentham is a late lover, such
                                                      humanitarian services that are
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