Page 122 - Pure Life 36
P. 122

Pleasure from the Perspective of… A. Ghanbarian  &  A. Asgari Yazdi (121

               Also, In some verses of the            utility, is that lower pleasures
            Qur’an,  the  importance  of              should  be  sacrificed  for

            preserving  the  public  interest         higher ones:
            is emphasized:                                The value of a pleasure or
                “And  spend  in  the  way  of             pain,  considered  by  itself,

                Allah     and      cast    not            will  be  greater  or  less,
                yourselves to perdition with              according  to  the  four
                your  own  hands,  and  do                following  circumstances:

                good  (to  others);  surely               its  intensity;  its  duration;
                Allah  loves  the  doers  of              its certainty or uncertainty;
                good”. (Qur’an, 2: 195)                   and  its  propinquity  or

                                                          remoteness. (Bentham, 2017: 22)
            The Inconsistent Foundations
            of  Bentham's  Theories  with                No  pleasure  has  been
            Qur’an                                    rejected     or     banned       in

                                                      utilitarianism,  not  even  those
            1.  The  Acceptance  of  all              that  ethical  sensibilities  of
            Pleasures                                 humans  or  other  ethical

            In Chapter 5 of his book “An              schools have deemed undesirable,
            Introduction to the Principles            if  they  lead  to  happiness  and
            of  Morals  and  Legislation”,            benefit. However, animal instincts

            Bentham  examines  pleasures              without limits and boundaries
            and  categorizes  them;  But  he          face  many  problems,  and  the
            does  not  forbid  any  of  them.         system of life is disrupted.
            The  ultimate  conclusion  that              Material  pleasures  must  be

            can be drawn from Bentham's               restrained  within  divine  or
            pleasure-measuring  formula,              popular laws so as not to lead

            according  to  the  principle  of
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