Page 120 - Pure Life 36
P. 120

Pleasure from the Perspective of… A. Ghanbarian  &  A. Asgari Yazdi (119

            interests. Some religious texts           school compared to Epicurean
            also  confirm  this  notion.              and Aristippan hedonism.

            (Tabataba'i, 1971)                           In  some  Qur’anic  verses,
               On the other hand, when an             altruism, utilitarianism, and social
            individual      considers       the       benefit are recommended:

            adornment and possessions of                  “…and Allah does not love
            this world as their good, they                the unjust”. (Qur’an, 3: 140)
            become strongly attracted to them.
                                                         Oppression  is  a  concept

            2.  The  Focus  on  Social                and vice in ethics that has two
            Pleasures in the Qur’an                   parties: The oppressor and the

            The advantage and superiority             oppressed. Some examples of
            of the utilitarian moral system           it are oppression and injustice
            over previous hedonistic systems          toward  similar  people  and
            is  that  it  not  only  focuses  on      other  individuals  in  society.

            individual  dimensions  and               Therefore, reducing oppression
            pleasures;  But  also  considers          in  societies  reduces  misery,
            social  pleasures  as  well  as           suffering, and darkness, which

            societies,  laws,  governments,           is a great service to society.
            and legislative assemblies.                  Also, many Qur’anic verses
               The  promotion  of  pleasure           emphasize altruism and service

            in  society,  or  the  benefit  to        to society. (Ref: Qur’an, 2: 261;
            society     and     serving     the       Ibid,  3:  134&148;  Ibid,  4:
            community, is emphasized by               36&148; Ibid, 5: 13&42&64&87&93;

            Bentham.  This  feature  is  one          Ibid, 6: 141; 7: 31&55; Ibid,
            of the strengths of Bentham's             8: 58; Ibid, 26: 40; Ibid, 28:
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