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            124   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE, 10(36), Autumn. 2023

            a  sinking  boat  that  can  carry            “Surely  We  have  shown
            only  one  person,  the  surgeon              him  the  way:  he  may  be
            may believe that he is allowed                thankful  or  unthankful”.
            to  throw  the  beggar  into  the             (Qur’an, 76: 3)
            water.  In  this  case,  the                 God  has  shown  humanity

            surgeon,  by  saving  his  own            the path of salvation, and it is
            life  and  using  his  medical            up to them to decide whether
            skills,    will    bring     more         to  follow  it  or  go  astray.

            happiness  and  prosperity  to            Some  actions,  even  if  they
            most  people  than  a  beggar             cause  the  greatest  happiness,
            who may or may not become                 do  not  align  with  the  ethical

            useful      in     the      future.       conscience  and  sense  of
            (Golestani, 2001: 16-18)                  humans, which are innate.
               Criticism  and  analysis  of

            this  issue  is that  the  sense of       3. Ignoring the Pleasures of
            ethical conscience exists in all          the Afterlife
            human  beings  and  is  part  of          Pleasure and pain come in two
            their  nature,  though  it  may           forms: Material and Spiritual.

            vary in intensity and weakness.              Some  schools  of  thought
               This feeling is confirmed in           only  see  pleasure  in  material
            religious  texts  and  is  one  of        matters,  and  based  on  their

            the    ways      to    distinguish        worldview  and  philosophy,
            between  right  and  wrong.               they do not appreciate a form
            From  an  Islamic  perspective,           of  pleasure  beyond  material

            the  fundamental  principles              pleasure;  They  also  do  not
            and  foundations  of  ethics              consider  happiness  to  be
            have roots in human nature:               anything other than experiencing
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