Page 132 - Pure Life 36
P. 132
Pleasure from the Perspective of… A. Ghanbarian & A. Asgari Yazdi (131
orphans, the poor, travelers, However, since the doctrine
beggars, and slaves. Giving of the afterlife and
money to the needy reduces accountability for deeds is a
poverty in society and increases common principle in heavenly
happiness and joy in communities. religions, religious teachings
It is said in a hadith of with the promise of eternal
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh): reward easily motivate and
“Whoever wakes up and is encourage followers toward
not concerned with the self-sacrifice.
affairs of the Muslims is The Holy Qur’an says:
not a Muslim”. (Saduq, “Surely Allah loves those
1987: 131) who fight in His way in
ranks as if they were a
5. The Unjustifiability of firm and compact wall”.
Self-Sacrifice (Qur’an, 61: 4)
Jeremy Bentham, in his works
on utilitarianism, did not According to the results of
focus on the afterlife, the research, the following
rewards, punishment, and its table shows some commonalities
pleasures or pains. Therefore, and differences between
some forms of self-sacrifice; Jeremy Bentham's view and
Such as fighting enemies to the verses of the Holy Qur’an:
preserve security, are not
justifiable because nothing is
more important than human life.