Page 130 - Pure Life 36
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Pleasure from the Perspective of… A. Ghanbarian  &  A. Asgari Yazdi (129

               render  the  object  of  its              increase       the      overall
               application, and disapproving             happiness  to  be  wasted.

               of  them  in  as  far  as  they           The      only       kind      of
               tend     to     increase      it.         abandonment  of  worldly
               (Bentham, 2017: 10-11)                    pleasures      this   doctrine

                                                         accepts is self-sacrifice  for
               Later,  Mill  accepted  the               the  sake  of  happiness  or
            principle  to  some  extent  by              some  other  means  of
            acknowledging  some  ethical                 happiness       for     others,

            rules so as not to fall into the             whether it be humanity as a
            pitfalls of utilitarianism:                  whole  or  a  group  of

               In this dilemma, utilitarians             specific  individuals  within
               cannot      say     that     the          the framework of the limits
               morality of self-sacrifice is             and requirements set by the
               as  important  in  the  realm             collective     interests      of

               of  influence  and  related  to           humanity. (Mill, 2010: 73)
               them  as  it  is  to  aristocrats
               or  elites.  Utilitarian  ethics          Analyzing the content, two

               recognizes  the  power  of             general attitudes toward pleasure
               humans in sacrificing their            have  emerged:  Some  schools
               greatest possessions for the           of       thought        prescribe

               benefit  of  others  and               abstaining  from  pleasure  and
               acknowledges it. What it denies        rejecting  it;  While  others
               is  that  self-sacrifice  is  a        prioritize and seek pleasure.

               good thing in and of itself.              In    Islam,     a   moderate
               Utilitarianism       considers         approach  has  been  accepted;
               the  sacrifice  that  does  not        pleasures  are  not  generally
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