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            130   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE, 10(36), Autumn. 2023
            discarded;      But     not     all          In  Islam,  emphasis  is
            pleasures are permissible, such           placed  on  asceticism;  But
            as  the  pleasure  gained  from           there  is  no  contradiction
            committing a forbidden act.               between       asceticism       and
               Each of these two attitudes            Bentham's utilitarianism. Asceticism

            has had supporters throughout             means  not  being  attached  to
            history.  Schools that promote            the  world  and  not  being
            asceticism  and  renunciation             attached to it with one's heart.

            of pleasures include Stoicism,               The  key  word  “Zuhd”  in
            Qalbiyun, and Malamatiyya.                the  phrase  “Zahidin”,  is  only
               Asceticism  and  restricting           mentioned once in the Qur’an

            oneself       from       enjoying         (Ref:  Qur’an,  12:  20)  which
            pleasures  are  fundamental               means to be uninterested; But
            practical  principles  in  all            all  the  verses  that  refer  to

            heavenly  religions;  Such  as            renunciation of the world and
            monasticism  in  Christianity             not  being  attached  to  it
            and the doctrine of asceticism            emphasize  asceticism.  (Ref:
            in Islam, just as monotheism,             Qur’an, 18: 46)

            prophethood, and the afterlife               Although  many  verses  and
            are their fundamental beliefs.            hadiths appreciate asceticism,
               The  importance  of  not               they  also  encourage  striving,

            satisfying  every  pleasure  is           being  present  in  society,  and
            emphasized in the customs and             serving  others.  (Ref:  Qur’an,
            traditions  of  various  cultures,        2:  177)  Goodness  is  when

            and the shared moral sense or             someone spends their wealth,
            conscience attests to this.               which  they  have  a  strong
                                                      attachment to on their relatives,
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