Page 134 - Pure Life 36
P. 134

Pleasure from the Perspective of… A. Ghanbarian  &  A. Asgari Yazdi (133

            pleasures are permissible, and            adjusting  their  intentions  and
            some are forbidden.                       interests accordingly.

               In the Qur’anic worldview,                The  similarities  between
            in  addition  to  the  world,  the        the  verses  of  the  Qur’an  and
            realm  of  the  soul  and  the            Bentam about pleasure are:

            Hereafter  also  exist.  As  a            1.  In  both  perspectives  the
            result  of  these  three  worlds,         discussion  of  pleasure  is
            the pleasures mentioned in the            important  and  emphasis  is

            Qur’an  are divided into three            placed  on  its  stimulating
            categories:  Worldly,  Soulful,           aspect of action.
            and  Eternal.  In  general,  the

            degree  to  which  humans                 2.  In  both  perspectives,
                                                      psychological  hedonism  has
            enjoy  the  pleasures  of  the
            second  and  third  categories            been confirmed. It means that

            depends on their avoidance of             there is joy in all human beings.
            forbidden worldly pleasures.              3.  Both  pleasure  and  pain
               With       this     definition,        have  been  used  to  encourage
            Bentham's  compatible  and                and  stimulate  human  beings.

            incompatible opinions concerning          Bentham has given importance
            the  Qur’anic  verses  were               to  these  two  categories  to
            explained  and  analyzed,  and            increase  happiness  in  the

            some  Qur’anic  verses  were              individual  and  society  and  to
            cited,  it  was  found  that  by          prevent  crime  and  crime.  In
            explaining        useful       and        the  verses  of  the  Qur’an,  in

            appropriate pleasures, individuals        addition to the abovementioned
            strive  to  achieve  them  and            points,     the     aspects     of
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