Page 129 - Pure Life 36
P. 129
128 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE, 10(36), Autumn. 2023
the world and its pleasures; utility in two ways: by
Only some of them are constant opposition to it,
forbidden. and this is the case with a
The Holy Qur’an it says: principle which may be
“And seek through what called the principle of
Allah has given you the asceticism, or by partial
future abode, and do not opposition to it in
neglect your portion of this particular cases, and partial
world...”. (Qur’an, 28: 77) agreement with it in others,
as is the case with the
4. Self-Denial (Asceticism) principles of sympathy and
Critique antipathy.
Jeremy Bentham rejects and What mean by the principle
criticizes the principle of self- of asceticism is a principle
denial that has shaped the which, like the principle of
achievements of heavenly utility, approves or disapproves
religions and cultural customs. of every action according
According to him, this to the tendency it appears
principle is contrary to the to have to augment or
principle of utility; any action diminish the happiness of
is considered correct as long the party whose interest is
as it tends to decrease in question; But inversely,
happiness and pleasure, and is approving of actions in as
deemed incorrect as soon as it far as they tend to diminish
shows a tendency to increase it: the happiness of the party
One principle may be concerned which the
opposed to the principle of
performance of them would