Page 154 - Pure Life 36
P. 154

The Impact of Mysticism… V. Solano-Urrutia et al (153

               The  fallen  fighters  were            Reconstruction  of  Life”.  As
            revered  as  true  martyrs,  and          per Imam Khomeini’s vision,

            their  memory  is  honored                the Guard Corps was formed
            through public commemorations             as an ideological force of the
            every       year      in    Iran.         Revolution,  responsible  for

            Imam  Khomeini described                  safeguarding  the  borders  of
            them      as    being     in    the       the country while striving on
            contemplation        of     Allah,        the  path  of  God,  serving  an

            (Algar,  2000:  9)  a  central            ideological      and      cultural
            concept        to     mysticism.          function. (Constitution of  the
            Consequently, this  event was             Islamic  Republic  of  Iran,

            understood         within      the        1979: 5)
            mystical       framework         of          Conversely,  the  Jihad  for
            martyrdom         and       divine        the  Reconstruction  of  Life

            intervention       leading       to       was  tasked  with  the  esoteric
            victory,  drawing  parallels              struggle for improving living
            with Qur’anic references:                 conditions  and  enhancing
               “And  whosoever  fights  in            human welfare. This approach

               the  way  of  God—whether              aimed  to  foster  solidarity,
               he  is  slain  or  victorious—         compassion,       and      nation-
               We shall grant him a great             building  through  practical

               reward”. (Qur’an, 4: 74)               initiatives,  such  as  installing
                                                      water  pipes  and  building
               Other  significant  events             constructions. (Siddiqui, 1996: 95)

            were the establishment of the                Another relevant topic was
            Islamic  Revolutionary  Guard             Imam  Khomeini’s  personal
            Corps, and the “Jihad for the
                                                      leadership  signature.  Imam’s
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