Page 152 - Pure Life 36
P. 152
The Impact of Mysticism… V. Solano-Urrutia et al (151
clerics to support the The Constitution of the
revolutionary momentum and newly formed Republic was a
the rise of “Wilayat-e Faqih”. crucial step in this direction,
introducing the concept of
The Aftermath of the “Wilayat-e Faqih” and
Revolution establishing the institutions
The establishment of the that supported this system.
Islamic Republic of Iran was a However, a significant
significant and unprecedented moment that brought mysticism
event in history. For Muslims, into public discourse occurred
particularly those who had not during the brief period when
experienced an Islamic nationally televised lectures
government, this event was on the exegesis of the first
astonishing; While there were chapter of the Holy Qur’an
criticisms, even from within were aired, personally
the Islamic world, the conducted by Imam
prevailing sentiment was one of Khomeini. (Algar, 2000)
openness, high expectations, Just as a child’s heart
curiosity, and a renewed requires nurturing, guidance,
sense of contemporary and sustenance during its
Muslim identity. (Martin, 2004) growth, the Islamic Republic
Imam Khomeini proposed was Imam Khomeini’s newborn
mysticism as a pathway to baby, in need of proper
reconcile the seemingly education, guidance, and
contradictory dimensions of nourishment for its formation
politics and religion. during the rapid changes and
existential threats it faced.