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            148   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(36), Autumn. 2023

            social  duties;  However,  the            beliefs  about  ethics  and  its
            extent  to  which  this  theory           importance       in    promoting
            applies  to  certain  areas  of           moral  development  within
            governance        is    debatable         society;  Particularly  when
            among  the  respected  clerics.           instilled  during  the  early

            (Vaezi, 2004)                             stages  of  religious  education
               Imam Khomeini, nevertheless,           in the seminary.
            supports a wide understanding                As Legenhausen notes, it is

            of  the  notion  of  Wilayah,  by         through  these  teachings  that
            which  the        highest-ranked          we  see  a  compassionate
            wali,       representing       the        Imam, who  acts like  a  father

            authority of the Hidden Imam,             concerned  with  the  current
            can  and  must  rule  over                and  future  well-being  of  his
            political  and  social  affairs;          country. This task would have

            (Imam  Khomeini,  2005)  Of               been      impossible      without
            course,  this  idea  was  not             infusing  a  mystical  tone  into
            created by Imam; But was the              the  already  present  anti-
            result  of  historical  debates           imperialist movement.

            within  the  Shi’a  seminary.                It   is    in    the    ethical
            (Mousavi, 1996)                           dimension of religion that the
               During  his  exile,  Imam              Imam      finds     the    perfect

            Khomeini         wrote       “The         combination of mysticism and
            Greatest Jihad”, which builds             politics. The thesis of Islam as
            on the themes presented in his            a  humanizing  project  aiming

            Islamic Government lectures.              for    the     betterment      and
            This  text  is  a  refined                constant perfection of human
            expression  of  Khomeini’s                ethics and behavior is hereby
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