Page 150 - Pure Life 36
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The Impact of Mysticism… V. Solano-Urrutia et al (149

            supported.  Thus,  politics  is              The  center  of  this  creative
            nothing      but     the    social        action is Divine Love, which

            regulation  of  the  better  ways         enables  the  existence  and
            of  behaving  under  God’s                origin  of  all  creatures.  This
            commands  and  the  moral                 Divine       Love        is     an

            conduction of humanity from               epistemological  matter:  the
            oblivion  back  to  God.  (Ref:           desire  to  be  known  or  as
            Imam Khomeini, 2008: 7)                   Corbin  describes  it,  the

                                                      willingness  to  become  the
            3. Mysticism and Politics                 object  of  God’s  knowledge.
            One highly esteemed leitmotif             (Corbin, 1998a: 114)

            of the mystical tradition is the             Ibn  Arabi  (2002)  believed
            hadith        Qudsi        (hadith        that without this movement of
            attributed  to  God)  quoted  by          love       and        knowledge,
            Imam  Khomeini  in  his  book             existence  would  not  meet  its

            “The Disciplines of Prayer”:              condition of possibility.
               “I was a Hidden Treasure,                 Imam Khomeini constantly
               then I liked to be known, so           refers  to  this  hadith  in  many

               I  created  the  creatures  to         of  his  esoteric  writings,
               become known”. (Ibid, 2002: 205)
                                                      emphasizing  the  central  role

               According        to     various        that Divine Love plays in the
            scholars who have interpreted             ethical        and       spiritual
            this  tradition,  including  Ibn          reformation of human beings.
            Arabi, the hadith explains the               Love  is  the  action  that

            purpose of God’s creation: to             takes the true believer back to
            be  known  by  His  creatures.            its  origin,  which  is  nothing

            (Addas, 2002)                             else  but  God.  When  the
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