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            32  /   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE, 10(36), Autumn. 2023

            question to ask concerning the            prophets  and  messengers  of
            Perfect  Individual  is:  How             God. (Chittick, 1997)
            does  an  individual  gain  this             In  Ibn  Arabi's  mysticism,
            state?                                    generally, there are two main
               One  way  to  show  the  way           ways  to  reach  perfection,

            to  perfection  is  to  emphasize         which he calls the two wings
            the  definition  of  perfection           of the bird of the spirit. These
            from  the  perspective  of  Ibn           are  the  way  of  love  and  the

            Arabi.  As  stated,  perfection           way         of        knowledge.
            means realizing the full range            (Morrissey, 2020)
            of    complementary         divine           The  way  of  love,  which  is

            attributes, so according to Ibn           the  way  of  attraction  and
            Arabi's  anthropology,  human             surrender  to  God,  who  is  the
            beings  are  defined  by  the             Beloved and the Desired. This

            form of God.                              way      is   based      on    the
               The  path  to  perfection              experience of the heart, which
            involves       bringing      these        is  the  seat  of  love  and  the
            attributes out from hiddenness            organ  of  spiritual  perception.

            to  manifestation;  Therefore,            The way of love is the way of
            the  question  is  how  human             the  prophets,  who  received
            beings      can    bring     these        the  divine  revelation  and

            attributes out from hiddenness            guidance through their hearts.
            to manifestation.                         (Chittick, 1993)
               The answer is by god's help               The  way  of  knowledge,

            and  prophetic  guidance.  To             which      is    the    way      of
            follow  the  authority  of  the           contemplation  and  realization
            prophet Muhammad and other                of God, who is the Truth and
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