Page 34 - Pure Life 36
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Human Perfection… A. Jafari & M. Emil (33

            the Reality. This way is based            revelation,  the  second  one  is
            on  the  experience  of  the              intuition,  and  the  last  one  is

            intellect,  which  is  the  faculty       reason. (Zwanzig, 2008: 17)
            of  rational  and  intuitive                 Among  these,  the  genuine
            cognition.      The     way      of       valuable  knowledge  is  only

            knowledge  is  the  way  of  the          the knowledge of God that  is
            saints, who attained the divine           obtained  through  revelation
            gnosis  and  wisdom  through              and  witnessing;  That  is,  it

            their intellects. (Morrissey, 2020)       cannot  be  obtained  from  a
               Ibn  Arabi  believes  that             book  or  a  teacher.  (Chittick,
            there  are  some  obstacles  in           2012: 126)

            the path of perfection and one               One      way     to    achieve
            of the most important ones is             perfection through knowledge
            ignorance.  In  many  ways  the           is  that  man  knows  that Allah

            most  fundamental  dimension              has      predetermined         and

            of  perfection  is   knowledge            controlled his destiny.
            and      the    definitions      of          The  other  way  to  achieve
            perfection are concerned with             perfection through knowledge

            knowledge.  It  is  important  to         is      to      know        divine
            understand how this knowledge             manifestation.  To  know  what
            helps to transform the individual         is  divine  manifestation  and

            into the Perfect Individual.              what happens in this process?
               Based  on  Ibn  Arabi’s                   In this view, the creation of
            mysticism,  three  types  of              the  world  is  due  to  the

            knowledge help man to reach               manifestation  of  God.  This
            perfection:  The  first  and  the         divine      manifestation        is
            most      important      one     is       associated         with        the
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