Page 46 - Pure Life 36
P. 46

Human Perfection… A. Jafari & M. Emil (45

               In  Theravada  Buddhism,               as  a  reflection  of  divine
            the realization of the absence            qualities.  Also,  the  perfect

            of a self (anatta) is crucial for         man  is  seen  as  the  highest
            attaining Nirvana. Ibn Arabi's            level  of  human  perfection,
            mysticism  also  emphasizes               reflecting  all  attributes  of

            self-knowledge         and      the       God.
            destruction  of  the  ego  in  the           In  Theravada  Buddhism,
            journey  toward  perfection;              the concept of the perfect man

            While  Ibn  Arabi  emphasizes             corresponds  to  the  Arhat,  an
            the unity of all existence and            enlightened  being  who  has
            the merging of the individual             attained  Nirvana  and  escaped

            self     with      the     divine,        from the cycle of Samsara.
            Theravada  Buddhism  views
            the  self  as  an  illusion  to  be       3.  Both  traditions  recognize

            transcended.                              the significance of  a  spiritual
                                                      journey  in  the  pursuit  of
            2.  In  Theravada  Buddhism,              human perfection. Ibn Arabi's
            perfection       is     primarily         concept      of   the     spiritual

            focused  on  the  attainment  of          journey        parallels       the
            Nirvana,  which  represents               Theravada  Buddhist  idea  of
            liberation  from  suffering  and          the  Noble  Eightfold  Path,

            the cycle of rebirth.                     which      guides     individuals
               In  Ibn  Arabi's  mysticism,           toward the realization of their
            perfection  involves  bringing            true nature.

            forth  the  hidden  attributes  of
            God within human beings and               4.  Ibn  Arabi  emphasizes  the
            realizing  one's  full  potential         importance of divine love and
                                                      compassion  in  the  attainment
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