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            46  /   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE, 10(36), Autumn. 2023

            of perfection; While Theravada            essential  for  the  salvation  of
            Buddhism  underscores  the                the soul.
            cultivation of loving-kindness               Theravada  mysticism  has
            and  compassion  towards  all             been  overly  influenced  by
            beings  as  essential  qualities          Brahmanism,          a      Hindu

            on the path to liberation.                tradition  that  shares  some  of
                                                      the  same  concepts  with
            5.  Both  traditions  emphasize           Buddhism;  Such  as  karma,
            the  attainment  of  a  state  of         reincarnation,  and  liberation.

            liberation  or  enlightenment.            Thus,  it  is  incompatible  with
            In  Theravada  Buddhism,  the             Ibn      Arabi’s       mysticism

            goal  is  to  achieve  Nirvana,           emphasis on monotheism and
            which represents the cessation            revelation  by  adopting  some
            of  suffering  and  the  cycle  of        Brahmanic  practices  such  as
            rebirth.  Similarly,  in  Ibn             rituals, mantras, and sacraments.

            Arabi's       mysticism,        the
            ultimate  goal  is  to  reach  a          7. Theravada mysticism is too
            state    of     perfection     and        individualistic and elitist in its

            closeness to God.                         approach  to  spirituality,  and
                                                      the  role  of  lay  people,
            6.     Theravada       mysticism          women, ethnic minorities, and

            focuses too much on attaining             other  groups  in  Buddhism  is
            Nirvana,  a  state  of  liberation        neglected  or  marginalized.
            from  suffering  and  the  cycle          There  is  also  a  tendency  to
            of  rebirth;  Rather  than  on            regard  other  religions  as

            cultivating        faith       and        inferior    or    irrelevant     to
            obedience  to  God,  which  are
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