Page 49 - Pure Life 36
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            48  /   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE, 10(36), Autumn. 2023

            Conclusion                                conventional  notions  of  self

            Ibn Arabi's Mysticism, rooted             and advocate for transcending
            in       religious        thought,        the  ego,  and  a  transcendent
            emphasizes the  realization  of           perspective  that  seeks  to

            perfect      human       as     the       realize the ultimate reality of
            embodiment          of      divine        existence. They recognize the
            attributes and the merging of             importance  of  the  spiritual

            the  individual  self  with  the          journey  as  a  means  to  attain
            divine.  This  path  towards              perfection, albeit with different
            perfection      involves      self-       practices and emphases.

            knowledge,  love,  and  a                    Furthermore, both traditions
            transformative spiritual journey.         acknowledge the significance
               On      the     other     hand,        of love and compassion, be it

            Theravada  Buddhism  views                divine  love  in  Ibn  Arabi's
            human perfection through the              Mysticism  or  the  cultivation
            lens of the Arhat, a liberated            of     loving-kindness         and
            being  who  attains  freedom              compassion towards all beings

            from suffering and ignorance.             in Theravada Buddhism.
            The  Theravada  path  toward                 In general, this comparative
            perfection  emphasizes  the               research  has  provided  a

            practice  of  the  Four  Noble            comprehensive understanding
            Truths and the Noble Eightfold            of human perfection, offering
            Path,  focusing  on  wisdom,              dual perspectives from Ibn Arabi

            ethical conduct, and meditation.          and Buddhist mysticism.
               Both      Ibn    Arabi      and
            Theravada Buddhism challenge
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