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            66   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE, 10(36), Autumn. 2023
            righteous  and  good  nature.             human being, in the sense that
            (Mulla Sadra, 1996: 225)                  he does not consider the soul
               Although          philosophers         to  have  much  function  in
            consider man to be composed               worldly life, and it is only the
            of  two  domains,  body  and              mind that affects the body and
            Nafs,  the  most  important               existence.
            domain  of  man  is  his  Nafs,              Although  Chopra  believes
            which  is  a  non-material  and           in  soul,  he  attributes  the
            Devine  being;  (Ibid,  1981,             power  of  creativity  to  the
            Vol.  1:  314-315)  However,              human  mind,  not  his  soul.  If
            Chopra  believes  in  three               Chopra  considered  the  soul
            domains:  physical,  spiritual,           higher  than  the  mind  and
            and mental. (Chopra, 2001)                introduced the mind as a tool
               He        attaches        great        or a part of the soul, we could
            importance  to  the  mental               easily  see  the  maximum
            dimension       of    man      and        overlap  of  his  and  Mulla
            introduces it  as the source of           Sadra's views.
            all  human  abilities.  In  the              However,  even  if  we
            discussion of creation, human             consider  consciousness  as
            possessions in and outside the            soul, the problem still remains;
            body, and healing and illness             Because        from      Chopra's
            of  the  body,  he  does  not             viewpoint,      the    mind      is
            mention the factor called Nafs            influential  and  consciousness
            and soul, which belongs to the            is  influenced;  While  from
            body and manages it and can               Sadra's point of view, the soul
            control  the  body  and  outside          is the cause of everything.
            of  it.  Instead,  he  introduces            Chopra  and  Sadra  have  in

            the mind as the cause of all of           common  that  both  of  them
            them. (Ibid, 1987)                        consider  the  human  mind  to
               As a result, Chopra can be             be  creative;  But  the  main
            considered a one-dimensional              difference is that from Sadra's
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