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International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE, 10(36), Serial Number. 4, Autumn. 2023, 81-110

            A Logical Analysis of Mental Health in Respect of Pure Life
            from Educational Psychology Viewpoint

            Mehran Najafi , Dr. Hadi Vakili    2

                1.* Ph.D.  Student  in  Department  of  Contemporary  Wisdom,  Research  Institute  of  Philosophy,

                Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies, Tehran, Iran (Corresponding Author)

                2.  Associate  Prof.  in  Department  of  Contemporary  Wisdom,  Research  Institute  of  Philosophy,
                Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies, Tehran, Iran,

           ARTICLE INFO          ABSTRACT
           Article History:         SU  BJECT & OBJECTIVES: The psychological aspect of pure life is
           Received: 2 5   J u n e   2 0 2 3    connected  with  mental  health.  Therefore,  it  is  one  of  the
           Revised: 02 August 2023   important elements of a good life that contributes to meaningful

           Accepted: 19 September 2023
                                    living. One cannot live a happy life and use the all faculties of his
           Key Words:               soul  unless  acquires  inner  peace.  This  article  proposes
                                    interdisciplinary  research  that  contains  educational  psychology,
           Philosophy of Mind       logic,  and  philosophy.  We  will  indicate  how  fuzzy  logic  could
                                    change the human  view of mental health and pure life.
           M e n t a l   H e a l t h
                                    METHOD & FINDING: In this research, the terms mind and health
           Educational Psychology   will be considered to shed light on the concept of mental health.
                                    Firstly,  we  argue  in  favor  of  the  dichotomy  between  mind  and
           P u r e   L i f e        body.  Then,  the  definition  of  health  is  analyzed  by  concepts  of
                                    normality and irritating mode. Also, utilizing educational psychology,
                                    fuzzy thinking, and philosophy of mind, a new definition of mental
           Fuzzy Logic
                                    health  will  be  proposed.  In  general,  it  will  be  indicated  that  by
           DOI:                     holding fuzzy approaches to mental states, the definition of health
           10.22034/imjpl.2023.15645.1088   and illness and its subcategories have new interpretations.

                                    CONCLUSION:  Fuzzy  thinking  creates  a  new  viewpoint  that  sees
           DOR:                     the world and its events as an integration of contradictions such
           20.1001.1.26767619.2023.   as  health-illness  and  meaningful-meaningless  life.  The  more

                                    mental  states  match  health  norms,  the  happier  life  will  be.
                                    Therefore, the talk of the grades of inner peace and happy life is
                                    possible unless is fuzzy logic applied.

           * Corresponding Author:               Article Address Published on the Journal Site:

           ORCID: 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 2 - 6 3 0 7 - 1 0 6 3

                 NUMBER OF                  NUMBER OF                NATIONALITY OF
                REFERENCES                   AUTHORS                     AUTHOR
                     16                          2                         (Iran)
   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87