Page 86 - Pure Life 36
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A Logical Analysis of Mental Health… M. Najafi & H. Vakili (85

            1. Mind and Mental State                  knowledge  of  self  is  not
            There  are  many  ideas  about            accompanied  by  knowledge

            mind and body. However, we                of  body.  (Avicenna,  2015,
            only  consider  two  typical              Vol. 2: 374- 375)
            viewpoints. Some philosophers,               Avicenna           emphasizes

            namely physicalists, hold that            consciousness and argues that
            humans  are  nothing  but                 it  could  not  be  explained  in
            materialistic  constituents.  In          terms of corporal constituents.

            contrast,  some  believe  that            Therefore, self or consciousness
            humans possess an immaterial              is neither body nor corporal.
            mind.  The  second  viewpoint                Dualists  hold  that  people's

            is  known  as  dualism.  (Ref:            minds  are  not  identical  to
            Stoljar, 2021)                            their  brains.  The  arguments
               As      we       think      that       are  aimed  at  defeating  the

            physicalism  does  not  possess           identity of the mind and brain.
            enough  strength  to  explain             It  should  be  noted  that  two
            human thoughts, feelings, and             identical  entities  have  no
            behaviors, some arguments will            difference.

            be considered in favor of dualism.           Logically  speaking,  if,  for
               One  of  the  traditional              every property “F”, object “x”
            proofs  of  dualism  has  been            has  “F”  if  and  only  if  object

            put  forward  by  Avicenna.  In           “y”  has  “F”,  then  “x”  is
            the third class of “Ishsrst wa            identical  to  “y”,  or  in  the
            Tanbihat”, he argues that one             notation  of  symbolic  logic:

            could  affirm  the  existence  of         (Forrest, 2020)
            oneself  even  if  he/she  is  not
            aware  of  his/her  body.  So,            ∀F (Fx ↔ Fy) → x=y.
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