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            84  /   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE, 10(36), Autumn. 2023
               Aslo,  research  background            Psychotherapy”; and Unamuno
            criteria, are as follows:                 (1978), “The Tragic Sense of
               Zetenyi  (1988)  in  his  book         Life and Nations”,
            “Fuzzy  Sets  in  Psychology”                At  the  same  time,  none  of
            analyzes      the     relationship        these  books  have  explained

            between  fuzzy  logic  and                human life through educational
            psychology.  However,  the                psychology and mental health.
            impact  of  fuzzy  thinking  on           Therefore,      there     is,   no

            pure  life  has  not  been                interdisciplinary  work  that
            considered in this work.                  includes different subjects.
               Ogden  (2012)  has  also                  Overall, psychological states

            considered  mental  health  in            are  important;  Because  inner
            his  famous  book,  namely                peace  is  the  key  to  world
            Health Psychology.                        peace.  If  people  can  get

               The book merely expresses              access  to  this  peaceful  space
            the  types  of  mental  illnesses         inside  them  then  outer  peace
            and  man’s  behavior.  It  does           can become a reality. (Barati
            not include fuzzy logic and its           & Fahami, 2021)

            impact on health psychology.
               There are a vast number of             Mental Health in Respect of
            philosophical       books      that       Pure        Life      from       a

            encompass the meaning of life,            Psychological Viewpoint
            existential concern, happy life,          We  first  consider  the  mind
            etc. Some instances are Bayat             and  mental  state  and  then

            (2015), “Religion and Meaning             discuss other parts.
            of Life in analytic philosophy”;
            Yalom  (1980),       “Existential
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