Page 87 - Pure Life 36
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            86  /   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE, 10(36), Autumn. 2023
               Therefore,  if,  for  every            mouse       that     the     mind
            property F, the mind has F if             possesses  but  the  brain  does
            and  only  if  the  brain  has  F,        not.  So,  the  mind  and  brain
            then  the  mind  is  identical  to        are not identical.
            the  brain.  It  is  obvious  that           Since  the  mind  is  neither

            the property of the mind is not           identical  to  the  brain  nor
            found  in  the  brain  and  the           physical,  mental  modes  (a
            mind  also  does  not  possess            mode is a way of being) differ

            the property of the brain.                from physical ones. In Islamic
               For     instance,     consider         philosophy,  the  mind  is
            schizophrenia. In such a case,            recognized as the soul, and its

            a    disordered      mind     may         modes  are  called  the  quality
            encounter  some  delusions,               of the soul.
            like seeing a pink mouse. So,                Avicenna       believes     that

            there  is  an  image  of  a  pink         mental  modes  such  as  love,
            mouse in the disordered mind.             fear, shyness, anger, courage,
            However,  there  is  no  mouse            and     cowardice       are    not
            in the brain and no part of the           sensible. (Avicenna, 2015: 545)

            brain  has  become  pink.                    In  general,  mental  modes
            (Kashfi, 2010)                            consist of three characteristics
               If you do brain surgery and            that  distinguish  them  from

            observe  the  mind  with  a               physical  ones.  Firstly,  one
            microscope  or  any  accurate             conceives  oneself  directly,
            tools,  you  will  not  find  a           while knowing physical organs

            mouse  image.  Consequently,              and  matter  is  done  using  the
            there is at least, one property,          five senses.
            namely the image of the pink
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