Page 84 - Pure Life 36
P. 84
A Logical Analysis of Mental Health… M. Najafi & H. Vakili (83
broad spectrum. As a result, However, the philosophy of
a psychologically healthy life mind has not been considered
consists of various grades. an independent topic in their
The fuzzy logic approach works.
prevents us from considering For instance, Avicenna
the world as black or white. considers the mind as a part
We could see different levels of Natural Philosophy, and
of a meaningful, happy, and Mulla Sadra classifies it under
healthy life which merge with Theology.
meaningless, unhappy, and Mental Health; It is a state
unhealthy elements. in which the mind has a
Therefore, the main research normal function and is not
question is how fuzzy thinking affected by an irritating mode.
could change educational The definition of health will
psychology's view of happiness? be considered in detail.
Fuzzy Logic; This is a type
Theoretical Foundations and of thinking that considers the
Research Background world as an integration of
The keywords of the paper are contradictions. According to
as follows: this logic, an entity enjoys the
Philosophy of Mind; It is a grade of membership of both
branch of philosophy that sides of contradictions.
contemplates the mind and its Pure Life; By Pure life, we
relationship with the physical mean a state in which a man
world. Islamic philosophers lives a happy life and can use
have also examined the mind all the faculties of his soul.
(Nafs) and its properties.