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International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE, 11(37), Serial Number. 1, Autumn. 2024, 117-144

                       ORIGINAL RESEARCH PAPER
                       A Critique on the Philosophical Foundations of Bourdieu’s Theory
                       of Cultural Capital from the Perspectives of Allameh Tabataba'i

                       Dr. Tayebeh Dehghanpour Farashah , Prof. Mohammad Mahdi Gorjian Arabi       2
                          1.* Post-Doc Researcher, Social Policy and Studies Research Institute, Cultural Policy Research
                          Group, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran (Corresponding Author)

                          2.  Prof.  in  Islamic  Philosophy  and  Theology  Department,  Faculty  of  Philosophy  and  Ethics,
                          Baqir al-‘Olum University, Qom, Iran,

                     ARTICLE INFO           ABSTRACT

                     Article History:          SU  BJECT  &  OBJECTIVES: This research evaluates and critiques the
                     Received: 24 November 2023   philosophical  foundations  of  Bourdieu’s  theory  of  Cultural
                     Revised: 02 February 2024   Capital  through  the  lens  of  Allameh  Tabataba'i.  Therefore,  the
                     Accepted: 11 February 2024   goal  is  to  examine  the  fundamental  concepts  and  their
                     Key Words:
                                               METHOD   &   FINDING:  Conducting  a  documentary  study  of  the
                     Philosophical Foundations
                                               development  of  Cultural  Capital  theory  and  its  dimensions  in
                                               Bourdieu’s  works,  the  basic  concepts  are  first  explained
                     Social Capital
                                               concerning the term cultural capital and then evaluated from the
                     Cultural Capital          perspective of Tabataba'i’s philosophical foundations.

                     Bourdieu                  CONCLUSION: Prior research conducted in the West has shown that
                                               the  concept of  Cultural  Capital  has been  revised  in  each  period
                     Tabataba'i                according  to  the  societal  conditions  of  the  time  and  place.

                                               However,  domestic  research  has  often  used  the  concept  of
                     DOI:                      Cultural  Capital  in  a  format  similar  to  Bourdieu’s  framework,
                     10.22034/imjpl.2023.15905.1091  without  revision,  and  without  taking  into  account  local  cultural
                                               foundations.  The  article  argues  that  Cultural  Capital  represents
                     DOR:                      the possession of human-divine capital, a concern that Bourdieu’s
                     20.1001.1.26767619.2024.   literature  does  not  address  but  deserves  critical  attention.  By
                                               considering  Tabataba'i’s  divine  philosophical  foundations

                                               including  his  theory  of  contingents,  a  reinterpretation  of

                                               Bourdieu’s theory of Cultural Capital takes on a new and native
                                               character.  By  removing  certain  philosophical  underpinnings  of

                                               Bourdieu, this theory can present a novel manifestation about the
                                               stability of thought in the realm of culture.
                     * Corresponding Author:
                     Email:                                 Article Address Published on the Journal Site:
                     ORCID: 0 0 0 9 - 0 0 0 3 - 0 4 2 7 - 7 0 2 3

                           NUMBER OF                  NUMBER OF                 NATIONALITY OF
                           REFERENCES                  AUTHORS                      AUTHOR
                                31                         2                          (Iran)
   113   114   115   116   117   118   119   120   121   122   123