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                       122   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 11(37), Winter. 2024
                       Capital  has  a  very  important          •  Ontological Assumptions
                       role in Bourdieu’s thought.               In  the  ontological  aspect,
                         Cultural  Capital  is  the              Bourdieu  considers  society  a
                       skills  and  characteristics  that        social  space  composed  of  an

                       a  person  acquires  in  the              interconnected         set       of
                       process  of  socialization.  This         structures,  and  people  having
                       term  refers  to  non-financial           habits  related  to  the  fields,

                       social  assets  that  promote             who act as actors in the form
                       social     mobility       beyond          of  rules  governing  social
                       economic means. Bourdieu used             fields  and  according  to  their

                       Cultural  Capital  to  refer  to          habits  to  achieve all  kinds of
                       symbols, thoughts, tastes, and            capitals  interact  and  compete
                       preferences  that  can  be  used          with  each  other.  Actors  are

                       strategically      as       social        effective  in  stabilizing  or
                       resources. (Lopez & Scott, 2019)          changing the social environment
                         Based on the hypothesis of              with  their  interactions  and
                       Cultural  Capital  inequality,            actions.  Therefore,  man  is

                       Bourdieu  in  his  research               free  and  at  the  same  time
                       divides  Cultural  Capital  into          determined.

                       three following categories:                  A person acquires habits in
                         -  Physical  and  individual            a social space in the form of a
                         capital                                 social field and acts under the
                         - Objective cultural capital            influence of structural conditions

                         - Institutional and regulatory          and individual characteristics,
                         capital. (Ref: Moayyid Hekmat,          whether psychological or mental.
                         2015)                                   His/her action is the result of

                                                                 his environmental and personal
                         Although  this  issue  has  a
                       general background, it lacks a            characteristics.
                                                                    With  a  unified  and  critical
                       specific  background  focused             vision, Bourdieu discussed many
                       on this issue.
                                                                 of  his  favorite  problems  and
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