Page 122 - Pure Life 37
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A Critique on the Philosophical Foundations… T. Dehghanpour & M.M. Gorjian (121
knowledge, tastes, and preferences He considers Cultural
of parents and their specific Capital the complementary
information from educational factor of the aforementioned
systems, (Jaeger & Holm, 2007) inequalities and the
formal education, (DiMaggio, 1982) reproduction of the structure
institutional interaction management, of the social space, or in other
(Lareau & Weininger, 2003) words, the reproduction of the
and cultural interactions within combination of social classes.
the family atmosphere. (Tramont (Ibid, 1998)
& Williams, 2009) In conceptualizing cultural
This form of capital may capital, Bourdieu opposed many
affect the academic success of of the traditional sociological
children due to the activities definitions that viewed culture
of the family environment. as a repository of shared values
(Janalizadeh et al, 2012: 86) and norms or as a means of
expressing shared desires.
Bourdieu’s Intellectual Foundations He proposed Cultural
Bourdieu found in 1964 that Capital after breaking the
economic barriers seemed conceptual limit of capital and
insufficient to explain and its purely economic implications.
interpret experience and analyze The term capital was usually
the evident inequalities in the related to the economic space
educational progress of and financial exchange; But
children of social classes. Bourdieu’s use of this term is
Bourdieu emphasized that by more extended. (Bonnewitz, 2002)
creating and falsifying the Bourdieu believes that capital
concept of capital, he plays appears in four forms, namely
the role of the educational economic, cultural, social, and
system in the reproduction of symbolic depending on the field
the social structure. in which it operates; But among
(Bourdieu, 1986)
the types of capital, Cultural