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                       120   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 11(37), Winter. 2024
                       •  Cultural      Capital      and         with  together.  (Huntington  &
                          Economy                                Harrison, 2001)
                       all kinds  of  financial resources           Some  consider  Cultural

                       and  monetary  capital  that  are         Capital  as  another  type  of
                       used  in  the  form  of  personal         capital  that  exists  in  an
                       ownership and human service               organization. (Alwani & Syed

                       are called economies. Throsby             Naghvi, 2002)
                       believes  that  the  concept  of
                       Cultural Capital is close to the          •  Cultural       Capital      and
                       idea  of  human  capital  which               Cultural Management

                       is used in economics.                     Cultural      management         is
                         He  believes  that  Cultural            responsible  for  implementing

                       Capital  creates  both  cultural          cultural  policies  that  may  be
                                                                 clear  and  explicit  or  implied.
                       value and economic value and
                       can  be  divided  into  tangible          Cultural managers, relying on
                       and intangible cultural capital.          scientific  information  and

                       (Throsby, 2000)                           meritocracy, emphasizing macro
                                                                 strategies  and  citing  the
                       •  Cultural Capital and Social            statistics  obtained  from  the

                          Capital                                Cultural  Capital  model,  have
                       Some scholars like Gould state            identified  the  intellectual  and
                       that Cultural Capital is a part           insight gaps of the current and

                       of social capital. However, Putnam        desirable  situation  and  with
                       has  a  more  precise  view  and          re-engineering and management,
                       sees  social  and  Cultural               step  in  the  direction  of

                       Capital in terms of belonging.            restoration  and  reproduction
                       (Ref: Kavosi & Khorasani, 2010)           of cultural and native concepts.
                         Social  capital  can  be

                       considered  as  a  set  of  values        •  Cultural       Capital      and
                       or informal norms shared by a                 Cultural Reproduction
                       group of people who cooperate             In the theory of reproduction,
                                                                 Cultural Capital includes education,
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