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                       138   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 11(37), Winter. 2024
                       Conclusion                                knowledge  in  addition  to
                       Although  Bourdieu’s  theory              empirical and experimental tools
                       of Cultural Capital, despite its          and  intellectual  knowledge
                       many advantages compared to               with  its  wide  layers,  and  on

                       its  predecessor,  considered             this basis, Cultural Capital in
                       capital  to  be  exclusive  to            addition      to     the     cases
                       economic capital, was able to             Bourdieu’s emphasis, in Tabataba'i

                       be reread with a new plan and             view,  the  possession  of
                       create a conceptual scope and             human-divine  capital,  and
                       redefinition  of  the  term               original intellectual and spiritual

                       capital  and  remove  some  of            values  are  also  taken  care  of
                       the existing shortcomings that            and will be freed from internal
                       it  suffers  from,  it  has  other        and  external  consistency  and

                       shortcomings, some of which               validity.
                       were  pointed  out  in  this                 This      article     is     the
                       article; Because being limited            beginning  of  an  activity  to
                       to  material  and  empirical              criticize  the  philosophical

                       knowledge  and  a  minimal                foundations        of     Cultural
                       view  of  science  can  reduce            Capital  from  the  perspective

                       the  radius  of  vision  and              of     Islamic      philosophers,
                       attitude, leave out a huge and            especially Allameh Tabataba'i.
                       important  part  of  knowledge            On  the  other  hand,  his
                       and  deprive  mankind  of                 minimal view of existence his

                       metaphysical,  divine,  and               limitation  to  the  world  of
                       revelatory truths.                        matter  and  materials,  and  his
                         Contrary      to    Tabataba'i          negation  of  metaphysics  will

                       epistemology, which is concerned          have  a  great  impact  on  the
                       with  the  wide  and  true                concepts  and  ultimately  the
                       dimensions  of  knowledge,  it            presented theories.

                       is possible to benefit from the              Therefore,      the    Cultural
                       huge  capital  of  revealed               Capital  that  is  built  on  his
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