Page 136 - Pure Life 37
P. 136

A Critique on the Philosophical Foundations… T. Dehghanpour & M.M. Gorjian (135

                       endeavored  to  take  a  step             will,  or  does  the  habitual

                       between          methodological           simply smooth the ground for
                       individualism and methodological          performing  certain  actions,
                       collectivism in the third path,           without changing the individual’s

                       and  based  on  that,  he  should         free will in changing habit.
                       pay     attention      to    both            Bourdieu believed that if a
                       individual  characteristics  and          sociologist  has  a  scholastic

                       the  role of  society.  However,          approach detached from reality,
                       it  seems  that  based  on  a             he will suffer from some kind
                       philosophical  principle,  as             of prejudice and the results he
                       well  as  the  perspective  of            obtains  will  be  far  from  the

                       Tabataba'i,  the  existence  of           existing realities. The mentioned
                       contradictions and inconsistencies        word deserves serious critique
                       in  a  viewpoint  is  clear               since  the  word  firstly  itself

                       evidence  of  the  existence  of          comes       from      a    certain
                       basic objection.                          intellectual  and  knowledge
                         His  method  is  eclectic  of           base; whether we consider the

                       Durkheim  and  Weber  rather              name of that intellectual base
                       than a coherent and innovative            as  a  school  or  this  action  as
                       method. This eclecticism lacks            scholastic  or  not.    On  the

                       the  necessary  coherence  and            other  hand,  a  person  never
                       synergy, and therefore sometimes          thinks  in  a  vacuum,  rather
                       challenges Bourdieu’s thoughts.           every  thought  has  a  prior

                         For example, it is not clear            intellectual base and context.
                       what  the  concept  of  habitual             Secondly, the researcher must
                       has to do with the freedom of             free  himself  as  much  as

                       the  doer.  Is  the  influence  of        possible  from  the  prejudices
                       the habitual to the extent that           based  on  previous  beliefs  to
                       it  forces  a  person  to  perform        draw a necessary conclusion.
                       certain actions in such a way                Thirdly,  if  the  school  of

                       that  it  deprives  him  of  free         thought  that  the  researcher
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