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                       62   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 11(37), Winter. 2024
                       persist; But being a person is            mentioned memory: a past or
                       most  often  defined  as  having          future  being  might  be  you  if
                       special  mental  properties.              and  only  if  you  can  now
                       Locke, for instance, said:                remember  an  experience  she

                         A  person  is  a  thinking              had  then,  or  vice  versa.  This
                         intelligent  being,  that  has          proposal faces two objections,
                         reason  and  reflection  and            dating     to    Sergeant      and

                         can consider itself as itself,          Berkeley  in  the  18th  century;
                         the same thinking thing, in             (Ref: Behan, 1979) But more
                         different  times  and  places.          famously  discussed  by  Reid

                         (Ref: Wiggins, 1976)                    and Butler.

                         Some believe that a past or             Accounts of Our Persistence
                       future  person  is  you  just  if         Overall,  four  main  sorts  of

                       you  who  are  now  a  person,            answers  to  the  persistence
                       can    now      remember        an        question have been proposed.

                       experience he had then, or he             The      most      popular      are
                       can    then     remember        an        psychological-continuity views.
                       experience  you  are  having                 They       say     that     our
                       now.  Call  this  the  memory             persistence  consists  of  some

                       criterion.  It  is  sometimes             psychological  relation.  You
                       attributed  to  Locke,  though            are  that  future  being  that  in
                       it’s  doubtful  whether  he  held         some sense inherits its mental

                       it. (Ref: Behan, 1979)                    features  from  you;  beliefs,
                         Most Western philosophers               memories,  preferences,  the
                       feel  immediately  drawn  to              capacity  for  rational  thought,

                       psychological continuity views.           and  so  on,  and  you  are  that
                       Nichols & Bruno (2010) give               past  being  whose  mental
                       experimental  evidence  for               features you have inherited in

                       this.   What      psychological           this  way.  There  is  dispute
                       relation might our persistence            over  what  sort  of  inheritance
                       consist  in?  We  have  already           this has to be, whether it must
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