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86  /   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE, 11(37), Winter. 2024
                       dispersed. Additionally, he believed         Accordingly, the commonalities
                       that  using  the  term,  referring        and     differences     of     sect
                       to the collective group, is not           historiographers        in     the
                       correct,  and  instead,  he  held         research        problem        are

                       on to the singular form of the            expressed  in  the  following
                       term Shi'a. (Razi, 2011: 73)              table:

                       Table 1. Approaches to the Issue of Faith and Disbelief, Happiness and Misery

                        The issue   Sunni Sect Historiographers       Shia Sect Historiographers

                                    Introduction  of  Sunni  sects   Introduction  of  Shia  as  a  saved
                                    as the saved sects            sect
                        Faith and
                        Disbelief   -  Takfir  of  those  who  deny   -  denunciation  of  the  claimants
                                    seeing  God,  intercession,   for the wrongful succession of the
                                    and torment of the grave      Prophet Muhammad

                                                                  Introduction  of  the  followers  of

                       Happiness    Introduction  of  Sunni  sects   the  Prophet  Muhammad  and
                       and Misery   as the saved sects            Imam Ali (AS) as the saved sects

                                                                    Based        on       sectarian
                       Conclusion                                viewpoints, one can infer that

                       Sect  historiographers  in  the           the      majority      of      sect
                       first  five  centuries  of  AH,           historiographers  have  been
                       generally took special care to            influenced  by  their  prior
                       organize their sectarianism by            religious  ideas  about  faith,

                       relying  on  the  Hadith  Iftiraq         disbelief,     happiness,      and
                       of  the  Ummah.  Therefore,               misery among Islamic sects.
                       they  decided  to  distinguish               In    other     words,     they

                       the  saved  sect  from  the               attempted  to  express,  either
                       heretical ones.                           overtly  or  covertly,  their

                                                                 tendency  to  see  their  sect  as
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