Page 82 - Pure Life 37
P. 82

The Perspectives of Sect Histrographers… H.R. Qolizadeh & E. Touran (81

                         He  then  introduced  the               and  idolatry,  calling  those

                       Sunni  beliefs,  which  he                who       ascribe     human-like
                       considered  aligned  with  the            characteristics       to      God
                       beliefs of Ibn Hanbal, such as            (incarnation),  and  those  who

                       Ahl  Haqq  or  Yarsanism.                 liken  Him  to  physical  bodies
                       (Ashari, 2009: 144)                       (anthropomorphism)  atheists.
                         Ibn  Hazm,  in  his  book               (Ibid, Vol. 1: 377)

                       “Al-Fasl”,  written  with  the               He considered the proof for
                       tendencies of Ahl Hadith and              the  deviation  of  these  sects
                       Zahiryyah, primarily aimed to             from  religion  to  be  the
                       establish  the  disbelief  of             conspiracy  of  the  Iranians,

                       various  Islamic  sects  through          some  superficial  people  who
                       argumentation  and  debate.               accepted  Islam  and  created
                       (Ref: Aqanouri, 2016: 61)                 sects  such  as  Shiism  and

                         He classified sects that are            spread the belief in Mahdism.
                       considered  within  Islam  into           (Ibid: 372)
                       five  groups,  namely  Sunni,                Concerning  the  Isma’ilis

                       Mu'tazila, Murji'ah, Shia, and            and  Qarmatians,  Ibn  Hazm
                       Kharijites. From his perspective,         expressed  similar  sentiments,
                       all  these  groups,  except               considering  them  both  as

                       Sunni, whom he referred to as             deviant  and  fully  disavowing
                       Ahl Haqq, are misguided and               Islam,  describing  them  as
                       considered      Ahl     a-Bid'ah.         pure Zoroastrian in belief.

                       According  to  him,  this  will              He  also  mentioned  the
                       act  as  a  deterrent  for  those         Mazdakite sect, which existed
                       whom Allah intends to guide               during       the      reign      of

                       away  from  their  misguidance            Anushiravan, the Persian King,
                       and persisting in it. (Ibn Hazm,          advocating  equality  among
                       1996, Vol. 3: 111)                        men  and  women  and  also  in
                         Ibn  Hazm  discussed  the               wealth  and  property.  (Ibid,

                       issue  of  anthropomorphism               Vol. 1: 372)
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