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                       82  /   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE, 11(37), Winter. 2024
                         Additionally,  Ibn  Hazm  in            - Shia Sect Historiographers
                       his book “Nasa'ih Munjiyah”,              In  “Bab  al-Shaytan”,  Abu-
                       extensively     discussed      the        Tammam Neyshaburi criticized
                       flaws     and      reprehensible          individuals      who      unjustly

                       aspects  of  the  mentioned               assert  that  they  are  the
                       sects.  (Ibn  Hazm,  1996,                Prophet's legitimate heirs. He
                       Vol. 1: 373)                              identified them as atheists and

                         Furthermore,  he  did  not              stated  that  they  strayed  from
                       refrain     from      attributing         the proper path. (Neyshaburi,
                       disbelief  to  individuals  and           1980: 41)
                       sects throughout his writings.               In  addition,  he  mentioned

                       For  example,  he  called  the            the  Hidden  Devils  among
                       followers  of  the  Kaysanites            them,  characterizing  them  as
                       sect  (a  Shi'i  sect  from  the          the  philosophers  and  jurists

                       followers of Mukhtar Thaqafi)             who,  if  followed,  would
                       disbelievers. (Ibid, Vol. 3: 116)         mislead       one     into     the
                         As  for  Nashi  Akbar,  in              polytheistic valley. (Ibid: 39)

                       “Masa’il Al-Imamah”, briefly                 Abu-Hatim  Razi,  a  well-
                       discussed  the  beliefs  of               known  Isma’ili  missionary,
                       Islamic  sects,  particularly             dealt  with  other  Islamic

                       focusing  on  the  matter  of             groups in his work “Al-Zinah”.
                       Imamate.  He  considered  that            He  described  desire  as  Evil
                       the objective of this book is to          rather  than  Good,  and  he

                       explain     the    reasons     for        advised  against  pursuing  any
                       differences  and  refer  readers          desire  that  departs  from
                       to  other  books  for  more  in-          Islam's fundamental teachings.

                       depth  debates  and  refutations          (Razi, 2011: 49)
                       of     sectarian      arguments.             He  said  that  those  who
                       (Nashi Akbar, 2020: 41)                   follow their wishes are unable
                                                                 to  understand  the  truth  and

                                                                 would consequently follow others
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