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                       112   / International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 11(38), Spring. 2024
                       work  is  a  list  of  manuscripts        to the interference and confusion
                       and the author has put the texts          of  the  goals,  concerns,  and

                       in  a  comprehensive  order.              preoccupations  of  each  of
                       Muẓaffar ‘Iqbāl expresses the             them.  Secondly,  it  should  not
                       views  of  Shia  scholars  who            lead  to  the  removal  of  one  of

                       have  performed  the  most                them or their complete adaptation
                       important  services  throughout           at  the  very  beginning  of  the
                       history.  For  instance,  Seyyed          research project.

                       Hassan Sadr, the author of the            2.  The  primary  distinction
                       book  Ta'sis  al-Shi'a  li-'Ulum             should  not  lead  to  the
                       al-Islam  proved  that  the                  interruption  of  interaction

                       foundations of Shia have been                and dialogue between the two.
                       transmitted in many sciences.                Interaction  and  constructive
                         In  the  middle  of  different             dialogue  between  these
                       approaches, the main question                two come as follows:

                       raised  is  how  to  provide  an                •  Do  not  lead  to  a
                       explanatory framework and pattern                   fundamental conflict and

                       for  such  research  projects  by                   break the relationship.
                       taking advantage of the strengths               •  Provide the context for
                       of the three approaches. Although                   the third characteristic.
                       we do not intend to present this          3.  To prepare the way for the

                       pattern  here,  it  is  suggested            completion  approach  with
                       that    it   contains      several           clear  criticism:  In  other
                       following characteristics:                   words,  by  providing  the

                       1.  It  is  better  to  distinguish          possibility     of    dialogue
                          between  the  development                 between  development  and
                          resulting  from  science  and             religion,  let's  achieve  a

                          religion,     intending      to           theoretical  pattern  about
                          preserve       the      special           the  relationship  between
                          features  and  concerns  of               religion  and  development,

                          each, thereby:                            which  is  not  just  claiming
                                                                    the relationship and stating
                         First of all, not considering

                       this distinction should not lead             a few examples.
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