Page 109 - Pure Life 38
P. 109
108 / International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 11(38), Spring. 2024
Then the extracted texts were world and the constituents of all
compared with each other to parts are raised. Muslims accept
find the logical connection this permanent world that exists
within. Finally, they were chosen in this sense, and nothing
and analyzed, finding that contained other than Islamic schools
themes were related to religion, believe in this permanent existence
development, and progress, of the world. In the philosophy
and there was compatibility and of creation, it is said that we
logical connection among them. created everything, as well as
humans, we find meaning in the
Theoretical Foundations of
universe and the world that
Muẓaffar ‘Iqbāl continues to exist, and this
Muẓaffar ‘Iqbāl was initially a perception was the first challenge.
chemist and scientist, but his Muẓaffar ‘Iqbāl, especially in
concerns are in the field of the book Islam and Science,
Islamic studies such as "Islamic described various Islamic traditions
rational tradition" "Islamic and efforts, emphasizing the
history", "philosophical and products and successes achieved
metaphysical aspects of the (Iqbal, 2019: 122).
relationship between Islam and He also believed that in the
science", "Islam and the West" realm of God, man has a real
and "Islam and modernity". relationship with his Creator,
He actively engaged in scholarly but in the realm of humans,
research and study within the we act self-centered. We need
mentioned spheres. He people to return to their schools
believes that the Islamic of thought according to Islamic
civilization emerged and the laws because the center of wisdom
conflict of ideas was raised, and humanity is the Islamic
including both Muslims and school of thought. Islamic
non-Muslims, just as the civilization has everything,
questions that are raised about but we have to tell those who
creation and the atom as the think of colonialism how to
general philosophy of the material live. All schools of thought