Page 110 - Pure Life 38
P. 110

Criticizing Muslim Thinkers' Views on Religion and Development … A. Ali et al (109

                       have  entered  with  a  colonial          Explaining The Islamic Pattern
                       approach,  whereas  Islamic               of Progress in Muẓaffar ‘Iqbāl 's

                       countries  and  nations  must
                       solve this problem through the            Approach
                       field and university, and this is         The thinkers of the differentiation

                       a long-term process since we are          approach do not consider a distinct
                       surrounded  by  non-Islamic               place  for  religion  in  the  field
                       paradigms. Of course, along with          of development, because religion

                       this  approach,  it  seems  that          and development are two distinct
                       Muẓaffar  ‘Iqbāl  could  not              aspects of life, in the best case,
                       fully  and  clearly  show  in  his        there  is  no  conflict  between

                       books  and  research  exactly             them because they follow different
                       which  of  the  scientific  works         logic.  The  conflict  approach
                       of  Islamic  civilization  have           seeks  wisdom,  but  to  achieve
                       been  used  other  than  gaining          this  goal,  many  development

                       motivation from religious texts.          achievements  are  set  aside.  The
                         In  the  books,  Islam  and             concept of development in today's

                       Science  or  Philosophy  of               world is linked to advances in
                       Religion and Science, Iqbal not           experimental             sciences,
                       only did not fully express his            productivity, nature  utilization,
                       claim but also no new word or             employment, health, well-being, and

                       research  even  found  within,            longevity.  The  development
                       needing  for  completion.  All            has made these improvements
                       the  contents  of  his  works  are        in the shadow of changing the

                       taken  from  others’  research            view of man.
                       while  no  new  points  are                  The conflict that some thinkers
                       found.  The  role  of  Islam  in          like   Nasr     believe   between

                       natural and unnatural sciences            religion    and     development
                       is  undeniable,  but  a  complete         originated from here, restoring
                       analysis  of  this  fact  in  the         the sacred to human life puts aside

                       works of Muẓaffar ‘Iqbāl such             many  of  the  achievements  of
                       as  his  recent  books  needs             development (Ref: Nasr, 2003).
                       more completion.
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