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                       132   / International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 11(38), Spring. 2024
                       Curiosity moves the thought to            by  asking  fundamental  (not
                       seek  the  truth,  and  truth-            superficial)  questions.  As  long

                       seeking controls the thought so           as man is unknown to himself, he
                       that  it  does  not  go  astray.          cannot understand his goals, how
                       Promoting  self-esteem  and  a            to live, and how to die.

                       sense of self-worth in the clients           A person who can find answers
                       prevents adhering to unreasonable         to fundamental questions about
                       habits and imitations.                    their existence and talents, being

                         Moreover, some teachings, such          humans,  human  needs,  the
                       as recognizing the greatness of           purpose of life, and so on can
                       humans and their talents, knowing         realize the purpose of life and

                       the  vastness  of  existence  and         their role and function in life.
                       the  ways  ahead  of  humans,                The  counselor  must  prepare
                       knowing the pain and sufferings           raw materials for the vast human
                       of  the  world,  knowing  God’s           thinking  and  must  teach  the

                       mercy,  etc.,  are  among  other          clients  how  to  effectively  think,
                       solutions for freeing and refining        draw  conclusions,  and  interpret

                       humans (Ṣafāei Ḥāeri, 2007b: 73-80).      incidents in their lives (Ibid: 93).

                          •  Education                              •  Reminding

                       Instead of leaving the client in          Humans  need  to  confront
                       dangerous  trials  and  errors,  a        contradictions, competitions, and

                       knowledgeable  counselor  can             enemies  for  their  growth  and
                       guide  him/her  through  effective        achievements  because  these

                       instructions. Thus, the client can        hidden and obvious enemies result
                       consciously make effective decisions.     in  conflicts  and  these  conflicts
                         Thus, a counselor’s role is to          contribute to developing skills
                       teach the right way of thinking           in humans.

                       and perception (Ibid: 60-61).                However, these internal and
                         Following  Ali  Ṣafāei  Ḥāeri’s         external competitors and enemies
                       approach, a wise counselor can            devour our funds and diminish

                       help clients come up with a correct       our talents. These internal and
                       understanding  of  themselves  and        external forces help us know a
                       their talents, goals, and existence       friend  from  an  enemy  because  a
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